
Climbing wall Brno

Opening hours

Monday8.00 – 22.00
Tuesday8.00 – 22.00
Wednesday8.00 – 22.00
Thursday8.00 – 22.00
Friday8.00 – 22.00
Saturday and Sunday8.00 – 22.00

Where to find us

HUDY climbing wall Brno
Vídeňská 297/99
Brno – Štýřice

Tel: +420 733 490 019

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Všechny samonavijáky zpět z revize a na hale- Užijte lezení, síla s vámi 🙂 Zobrazit víceZobrazit méně

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Síla s vámi
Jihomoravský kraj
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Jihomoravský kraj
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Basic parameters of the wall

The main climbing hall covers an area of 60 m x 12.5 m and offers climbing lines from 11.5 to 22 m in length. It provides climbing in both inclined structured profiles and climbing in perpendicular and overhanging profiles. The overhang of the main sports profile “Grotta” reaches a respectable 8 m, the sports profile of the National Training Centre is 8.5 m and the routes in difficulty up to 9a are built by certified Czech and foreign builders of the ČHS / IFSC. In total, there are 125 belay lines on 2700 square metres of climbing area. At the end of the National Sports Centre there are two certified speed skating tracks including self-winding machines and a timing system. A total of 18 belay lines are covered with belay self-winders.

The bouldering wall with an area of 400 square meters and a height of 4.5 meters offers 90-110 colorful boulders in difficulty levels V0-V10.